Semuc Champey and Flores Preview
Semuc Champey and Flores Preview

Semuc Champey and Flores

From Antigua we headed to Semuc Champey and Flores, two of the main tourist attractions in Guatemala and our last two stops in the country.

Xela and Antigua Preview
Xela and Antigua Preview

Xela and Antigua

We spent 2 more weeks in Xela taking Spanish lessons and doing small trips in its surroundings. Afterwards we headed to Antigua to begin our trip through the rest of Guatemala and Central America.

Xela, Guatemala Preview
Xela, Guatemala Preview

Xela, Guatemala

Quetzaltenango, often referred to as Xela, is Guatemala’s second largest city. We chose Xela as our home to take Spanish lessons in for three weeks prior to traveling further in Central and South America.

Alexandria Preview
Alexandria Preview


The last leg of our US road trip ended outside Washington, DC in Alexandria, VA. We stayed with our friends Damaris and Mark. Steph and Brandon also joined us from Detroit. It was a mini “friends reunion” as we were missing a link–Kristina we missed you!

Georgia and the Carolinas Preview
Georgia and the Carolinas Preview

Georgia and the Carolinas

From Nashville we were headed to Georgia to spend a few days in Atlanta and then made our way to North Carolina via Savannah and Charleston.